Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The dreams of Immigration and the harsh realities of Immigration Essay

The dreams of Immigration and the harsh realities of Immigration Itself - Essay Example The story explores immigration and its impact on people’s lives. Early man migrated from continent to continent in search of food, Balboa and Florinda migrated to the Northernish Empire for work. Crosthwaite uses many techniques to illustrate the parallel struggles of 14th century Latin America in comparison to 21st century Latin and North America, which is where the focus will remain. These struggles are comparative to all different cultures, through the adversities of immigration. The struggles for most immigrants merely begin with the concept of being accepted and understood. Moving from one country to another is a very scary and exciting thing. Even in the current culture that we live in, we are judgmental of others merely based on the color of their skin, as Florinda experienced when Balboa took her to the hospital in their first meeting (Crosthwaite, p 12). This is further disheartening considering that Balboa lost his job because of his meeting and helping Florinda. Thi s is only the beginning of the fears and anxieties that immigrants feel. Leaving behind everything they have known, friends, family, life itself for a dream instills an extraordinary fear. Although they know in their hearts and souls that what they are doing is for the best, it is still difficult to take this action because of the overwhelming fears involved. The fears that immigrants have when it comes to migrating to another country are only exacerbated by the people that they encounter both on the journey and upon arrival. How quickly the people forget that they, too, descended from immigrants looking for a better life in the Northernish Empire. It is not often that people migrate from one country to another for the sole purpose of the journey and the excitement of it. Often, the migration of people from one country to another develops over time. It generally begins when a country needs additional labor forces. Then, the laborer comes to, as an example, the U.S. through a guest w orker program. This allows the migrant worker to come and go freely across the border to work. Although work is a primary reason for many people to migrate, it depends on each individuals â€Å"characteristics and vary from person to person and place to place† (Rodriquez-Scott, 2002). Although the key reason for most people to migrate to another country is work, there are those that migrate for love, the dream of a better life, a better world, education and alienation. In â€Å"The Moon Will Forever Be a Distant Love†, Florinda and Balboa come together out of love and move out of necessity. They head to the Northernish Empire so Balboa can find work. This is a true parallel to the current influx of migrant workers from Mexico, but also other countries around the globe. The two flee together in love, but soon discover that their differences are stark. It begins with Florinda questioning Balboa’s religious beliefs, where they disagree and Florinda keeps at Balboa demanding a different answer than the one she keeps getting (Crosthwaite, p 50), and continues to the eventual end of the relationship. This parallel is a similar issue with immigrants to the U.S. as well. Although the U.S. is considered a melting pot, it still realizes promotion of illegal immigration and racism on a daily basis. In 2001, Tyson Foods Inc. recruited illegals from Mexico to work in their U.S. plants. They were paid a pittance

Monday, February 3, 2020

Public Schools vs Private Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Schools vs Private Schools - Essay Example This has led to the question as to why there are disparities between private schools and public schools. This debate is not limited to academic performance but also includes such factors as school funding, classroom quality, libraries, variety of programs offered, security, among several other factors. It is for some of the above reasons that parents usually find themselves in a dilemma when it comes to choosing schools. Parents now have more than enough schools to choose from than before. The government has however written off the performance debate. The United States Department of Education has come up with a report that shows that there is no big difference between the performance in private and public schools as it is believed. Comparisons There are various research and literature that have been written to draw these comparisons. McEwan (103) notes that apart from the very few exceptions, there is no sufficient evidence to make conclusions that are strong and enough to draw concl usions on these comparisons and review of disparities. He blames this on the fact that the nature of schools, the samples that are available and the students, including their selection and sizes, the families, schools and their communities, present so many variables that have not been measured. There are about 46 million students who get enrolled in the public schools in the nation through the various grades up to seniors in high school. About a sixth of the same are enrolled in the private schools Another difference between these two categories is significantly noticeable in the classroom. Despite this, public schools get the financing for their programs from the local, state or federal governments and sometimes from all of them. The admission rules are defined and they therefore have no choice in admitting students. Private schools on the other hand are governed by an elected board of trustees. Additionally, most of them are funded primarily through tuition, contribution from dono rs or endowments. It is for this reason that private schools seem to have enough finances to finance their programs and achieve higher and better standards as compared to public schools. The quality that is witnessed in the classroom is not only limited to the teaching but the environment that is presented. One other major factor is that of classroom discipline. In private schools, the rules are clearly stipulated and laid down when the student opts to attend such a school. The consequences of infraction against the code of discipline are dire. Public schools on the other hand present a different scenario. The constitutional rights in public schools are highly held, and the duration of time under which infractions are dealt with is long, cumbersome and usually complicated. It is no wonder that the quality of classrooms and teaching in private schools is usually high relative to that of public schools. The significance of classroom discipline is noted on the fact that proper discipli ne has a correlation to the atmosphere of learning and when a teacher has control in their classroom, he or she will have a higher power to give quality instructions. There are also very interesting differences between private and public with regard to school libraries. With regard to