Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Types Of Leftist Governments

Steven Venegas July 23, 2016 Annotated Bibliography Question: What preexisting or absent institutions have led Latin American nations to see a divergence in the types of leftist governments in power? Group 1: Party Systems and Political Institutions French, John. 2010. â€Å"Many Lefts, One Path? Chavez and Lula.† In Latin America’s Left Turns: Politics, Policies, and Trajectories of Change. Eds. Maxwell A. Cameron Eric Hershberg. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 41-60. French poses that â€Å"the key to unity that exists in within the left’s diversity... can be found in the notion of the left as a space of convergence across difference based on a common anti neoliberal politics.† (French, p. 42) This idea allows for an†¦show more content†¦All of these features of a regime, if disrupted or altered, could be the difference between a stable democracy and it demonstrating a radical archetype of ascendancy. After explaining both alternatives, Mainwaring comes to the conclusion that â€Å"Presidentialism and a fractionalized multi party system seems especially inimical to stable democracy† in that they are conducive to gridlock between the executive and legislative branches of government. (Mainwaring, p. 168) Levitsky, Steven, and Kenneth M. Roberts. The Resurgence of the Latin American Left. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2011. Print. Theorists Steven Levitsky and Kenneth Roberts articulate two divergent paths that the left took as a result of their party systems and political institutions, or lack there of. The two give light to the divergence of an institutional path and a populist path, which they are able to closely associate to various political regimes currently in power throughout Latin America. This further branches out how even following the presidential path, rather than parliamentary, can see more divisions. Mainwaring, Scott. â€Å"Presidentialism, Multipartism, and Democracy: The Difficult Combination.† Comparative Political Studies. Vol. 26: July 1993. Pp. 198-228. Noting that multipartism isn’t conducive for the consolidation of democracy and that there are many regimes following the

Monday, December 16, 2019

What 9th Grade Essay Topics Is - and What it Is Not

What 9th Grade Essay Topics Is - and What it Is Not Ok, I Think I Understand 9th Grade Essay Topics, Now Tell Me About 9th Grade Essay Topics! An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. When you choose a topic, ensure you choose a well-defined, controversial matter. Perhaps, you feel that now you must sit and produce the ideal essay topics all on your own, which could take lots of time and energy. It's possible to select an intriguing topic from any area of science. Odds are, all you have to do is relax and locate a topic you're passionate about and, needless to say, one that's debatable. Writers often need to do some thorough research on the subject. Researching the topic permits you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. It's important to get solid and verifiable sources from which you are able to draw your information. Typically, the teachers or professors assign the topics independently. Students are requested to indicate how a specific sentence may be corrected or improved or the way the organization or development of a paragraph may be strengthened. To compose a fantastic argumentative essay the students first must investigate several sides of the argument, which permits them to make an educated stance. The 9th Grade Essay Topics Trap The essay is just one of the important methods you're able to distinguish yourself. When writing an argumen tative essay outline you should make certain that you have each of your facts straight. Pick the essay you are interested in getting the report for and click create. At times you might require some expert help with argumentative essay topics. Informative essays are somewhat more descriptive. Colleges can tell whenever your essay is simply a form essay. Although you may know what format, style guide, and whether the essay needs to be double spaced, you might be confused on what actually produces an excellent essay topic. Life After 9th Grade Essay Topics Mastering an arduous concept increases your kid's confidence in addition to improve their grade in the class. Writing about nuclear weapons is always a superb idea. The procedure for converting a typical spss table to apa format may get overwhelming whenever you have a full manuscript worth of tables. Formatting is among the steps on the best way to your preferred grade. 9th Grade Essay Topics - the Story Nobody really wishes to compose an essay. When you are finished with your essay, you must not simply check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. You should try out something new, if you pref er to create the best essays. Our essay writing worksheets below give very good practice with various kinds of essay writing. Your thesis needs to be relevant so the report can use a structure that's flexible in order to fit in the shoes of the readers. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically considering the world around us. A personal essay provides the reader a glimpse of your private life experience. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. The Downside Risk of 9th Grade Essay Topics Following that, you've got to keep in your mind several things. Select a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make sure that you know a lot about it! A whole lot of times you may have to compose a personal essay. Remember you may make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. Argumentative essays are a structure and form of an essay that's supposed to argue a particular idea or concept that's then brought through a process which delivers support and data that could enhance or take away from the view of the scenario. When you've got a completed outline, you'll have a step-by-step guide that you are able to follow till you're done writing. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you have to clearly show your analytical skills. Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. The Ultimate 9th Grade Essay Topics Trick First decide what you want to strive to modify about yourself. Students lead busy lives and frequently forget about an approaching deadline. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject. Some students utilize the very first idea that arrives in their head and work on it, but the outcome isn't profitable.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Embracing Cultures The Chinese and The Scottish People Essay Example For Students

Embracing Cultures: The Chinese and The Scottish People Essay There are billions of people in the world and each of us are different in lot of ways. We all have an event that symbolize our cultures in some way. USA has the 4th of July as a special event to celebrate America independence from the British. The events that take place represent some form of freedom and independence. Without these celebrations the world we live in would be different; we wouldn’t know about our history and why we celebrate these events. This is a way we can learn about who we are as a culture and celebrate how far we have come. The Chinese and the Scottish people also have special events that symbolize their culture. The Chinese have many different cultural events but one special one is the Chinese New Year also known as The Spring Festival. Scotland’s event is also to celebrate and to remember the history of their people. The name of the event is Up Helly Aa also known as the Fire Festival. Each culture has different events that teach their people abou t the past and not to forget how far they have come. The Chinese have a cultural event that I always wanted to experience; since I don’t have the time or the money to fly to China, I watched it on YouTube. Their event is called the Chinese New Year. During this time they are celebrating their calendar New Year and it’s a weeklong celebration. While celebrating everyone is fixed on the festival. Businesses close to celebrate the New Year as they offer up sacrifices to the gods and light fireworks to scare off evil spirits. While researching different events, I also came across another interesting event that the Scottish people do every year. The name of this event is the Up Helly Aa Fire Festival. The Up Helly Aa Fire Festival is an event in Scotland, where they get together and have a parade, view the bill at the market cross, and a Senior Precession where they march to the burning site with torches to the King George V playing field. The history of the Chinese Year started when the Gregorian calendar arrived in 1582. The Chinese government was very strict then and didn’t allow their people to celebrate the New Year until the end of the 20th century. â€Å"The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the peoples sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one†(2014). In 1996 they change the name to the Spring Festival and made it a week long holiday. This event has changed since the Chinese New Year was created for opportunity and to learn about the history of the Chinese culture. Today it still means the same, but the younger generation is just using this as a week to relax from work and not worry about the history of their people. While watching a video on YouTube, you get the experience of seeing their culture and how they d o things. Its exciting to watch as they light fireworks in the night sky to see all the beautiful colors and how they march down the street wearing the dragon heads costomes dancing in the streets. The Chinese are extremely interesting to watch because their ways are so much different than ours and it fun to watch them enjoy the things they do to make sure their culture is not forgotten. .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a , .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .postImageUrl , .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a , .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:hover , .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:visited , .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:active { border:0!important; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:active , .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13e519f43faa7ea5fca41805f7b2a53a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parts of Speech Essay ThesisThe Up Hella Aa is a fire festival that started in 1877 in the Shetland town of Lerwick and take place the last Tuesday of January every year. While reading about Up Helly Aa, one website says â€Å"Marking the end of yule, this northern Mardi Gras is a celebration of Shetland history, a triumphant demonstration of the islanders’ spirit and a superb spectacle which his gained worldwide recognition as Europe’s biggest fire festival†(Up Helly Aa-Europe’s biggest fire festival). When this event first started it was only men who could participate but one major change is that now men and women can perform in this event. Re ading they say â€Å"Much has changed and much has remained the same. In 1949 the BBC recorded a major radio programmer on Up-Helly-Aa, and from that moment Up-Helly-Aa not noted for its split-second timing before the war became a model of efficient organization. The numbers participating in the festival have become much greater, and the resources required correspondingly larger. Men and women now co-operate to open large halls throughout the town to entertain them. However, despite the changes, there are numerous threads connecting the Up-Helly-Aa of today with its predecessors 150 years ago†(Up Helly Aa). I thought this event was truly interesting also. While watching a YouTube video, I noticed how they all come together and have a parade and as they march they are thankful for their history. There is a bill they view and read; its like the Declaration of Independence, to teach everyone the history of their country. When night fall they put on their Vikings o utfits light 900 tourches and march to the burning site where the public is not allow. The Chinese New Year, although different in its own way it is very similar to an event we have in the USA and that is Christmas. This is similar to Christmas, for it’s a when family gets together and enjoy others company. Is also the biggest time of the year as this is when people shop and give each other gifts also the transportation where people are driving or flying home to spend time with love ones. The only difference between the two is, the Spring Festival is a weeklong event and Christmas is one day. This Cultural event has not been influenced by other cultures, nor has it influence other cultures. The Chinese New Year also known as Spring Festival has been a Chinese event that the Chinese culture has enjoyed for several years. The Up Helly Aa Fire Festival is an event that is not compare to any other event in the world when it comes to research This is the only event that I have research that dress up as Vikings and march down the street with over 900 people with torches. I believe it can be compared to the 4th of July. July 4th is Independence Day in American and we celebrate by saluting of the American flag and shooting fireworks. We get to view all the fireworks as they light up the sky during Independence Day but at the end of the Scottish Fire Festival they march to a place to burn something up and if youre not a part of the people that are participating in the festival you will never know since the public isn’t allow to watch during the burning of the torches. The Up Helly Aa Fire Festival happens every year and they celebrate by walking the streets burning torches to represent their history. The Up Helly Aa was created in Scotland by the Vikings and it has not been influenced by any other cul tures and no other cultures have been influence by the Up Helly Aa Fire Festival. .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 , .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .postImageUrl , .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 , .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:hover , .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:visited , .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:active { border:0!important; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:active , .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6 .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc0cf811ed54637fa8cb90bdcf3362ab6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Huck Finn Morality EssayEvery nation in the world has a special event that is exclusive to them. These events are actually history lessons to teach the people about their history and where they have come from. Every culture needs to have a celebration so they can learn about the history of the people and themselves and to have a better understanding of their history and why they do things that are different in other regions of the world. Learning about these events made me realize how important it is to not only embrace the history of your culture but also embrace others. If we can embrace other cultures beliefs and understand that they are doing it for historical purposes and for fun, we would be able to learn a lot and have fun while we are learning. Watching these events on YouTube is only giving me half of the real expeerence of the culture. I can only see and hear what is going on while siting behind a computer screen. To get the whole 100% feeling of these events you have to be there in person so you can enjoy the live music, eat the good food, interacting with the people and feeling the heat of the torches as they walk pass you in the parade. The videos are great but you can learn more by being threr and having fun with the people learning about their culture with them. The Chinese New Year and the Up Helly Aa are two events that are different but similar in their own ways. They are two different cultures enjoying their history. These celebrations are only to show you about your people and to have fun doing it. Works Cited Chinese New Year. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Traditional Chinese Festivals (n.d.). Traditional Chinese Festivals Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Chinese New Year family traditions. (2012, February 3). YouTube. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from . (n.d.). YouTube. Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Up Helly Aa Europe’s biggest fire festival. (n.d.). Retrieved April 29, 2014, from Up Helly Aa. (n.d.). Official Website of the Lerwick Committee. Retrieved May 6, 2014, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Three Passions free essay sample

Living in a Foreign Country Living away from home your country can be a really interesting and unforgettable experience, but at the same time it has very important effects on our life. I moved to U. S in 2005 and that was a hard decision to leave my country. I was only 18 years old and I had no life experience. Then, everything changed, for the best I think. One effect is that once I started a regular life away from home, I miss everything. This fact does not mean that I am unhappy but that I am aware of being on my own. Missing my family and the attention that they all paid to me is very usual detail. Details like sitting on Sunday morning watching TV with my brother or having a nice chat with my mom makes me realize how valuable family really is. I miss all the facilities that I used to have back home, like my house, my bed and my bathroom. We will write a custom essay sample on Three Passions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Other effect is learning how to accept a different type of society and culture in my daily life. This is a country with different customs and traditions from mine. I had to make new friends, learned other points of views, and accepted people opinion and value. The language was the most difficult to get used to it and to learn. Instead listen my native language all the time; I had to listen people talking in English. The most significant effect of living way from home is the independence behavior that had grows inside of me. Living on my own far from my family gives me a lot of experiences toward organizing my life. I have to go to school, clean my room, wash my clothes and pay all my bills, this is means that I have a good responsibility. Being independent and responsible helps me get through life every goal that I want to achieve. Living far from home, can be really hard at the beginning. I have to remember that all changes are difficult, but they are necessary to go through. Most important of all, it helps me appreciate everything that I have. I realize how lucky I am to be here, because only good opportunity has come since I got here. I have to make the best out of them.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Scoliosis essays

Scoliosis essays Scoliosis is a other way to say crooked and is often referred as an s-shaped side or curve in the spine. Everybody has heard of Scoliosis at one time becuase of school or you know someone how has it. My cousin Jackie Walling had it. There are realativly fours types of scoliosis. Congenital present at birth, Scoliosis due to nueromuscular caused by polio, Idiopathic occurs in adolescence and is mostly mild, Postural caused by postural. My cousin had Idiopathic scoliosis when she was nine. The most common type of scoliosis is idiopathic (meaning unknow). The spinal column twists and rotates creating an uneven shoulder and rib hump. This can lead to discomfort and even breathing problems as the heart and lungs become compressed. The cause of scoliosis is not yet and is to believed to happen in girls more then boys. Scoliosis is not preventable but early detection can increase the chance of a successful treatment. Ways to detect scoliosis are very easy , just look for uneven shoulders, prominet shoulder blades, uneven waist, and hips, leaning towards one side. My cousin had gotten a bug bite on her back and when she bent over her parents noticed the she was leaning sideways. There is also a simple test involving touching your toes which will also show a rasied hump on your back. Scoliosis is a multi-faceted diease, affecting the body in many areas. In the infantile stages, a very mild rotation occurs and is often over looked by doctors. As the condition progresses, symptoms of shoulder unleveling, waitline discrepansices. Treatment should begin right away other wise it will lead to more painful adult scoliosis. The most popular way is to ware a brase on your back to help the back fix itself, my cousin did not ware the brace. Massage therapy does not really help the condition of scoliosis but does relieves muscular pain on a symptomatic basis. The most popular way as of right now for help is surgery, which...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Profile in Composition

A Profile in Composition A profile is a  biographical essay, usually developed through a combination of anecdote, interview, incident, and description. James McGuinness, a staff member at  The New Yorker  magazine in the 1920s, suggested the term profile (from the Latin, to draw a line) to the magazines editor, Harold Ross. By the time the magazine got around to copyrighting the term, says David Remnick, it had entered the language of American journalism (Life Stories, 2000). Observations on Profiles A Profile is a short exercise in biographya tight form in which interview, anecdote, observation, description, and analysis are brought to bear on the public and private self. The literary pedigree of the profile can be traced from Plutarch to Dr. Johnson to Strachey; its popular modern reinvention is owed to The New Yorker, which set up shop in 1925 and which encouraged its reporters to get beyond ballyhoo to something more probing and ironic. Since then, with the wacky proliferation of media, the genre has been debased; even the word itself has been hijacked for all kinds of shallow and intrusive journalistic endeavors.(John Lahr, Show and Tell: New Yorker Profiles. University of California Press, 2002)In 1925, when [Harold] Ross launched the magazine he liked to call his comic weekly [The New Yorker], he wanted something differentsomething sidelong and ironical, a form that prized intimacy and wit over biographical completeness or, God forbid, unabashed hero worship.  Ross told his writers and editors that, above all, he wanted to get away from what he was reading in other magazinesall the Horatio Alger stuff. . . .The New Yorker Profile has expanded in many ways since Rosss time. What had been conceived of as a form to describe Manhattan personalities now travels widely in the world and all along the emotional and occupational registers. . . . One quality that runs through nearly all the best Profiles . . . is a sense of obsession. So many of these pieces are about people who reveal an obsession with one corner of human experience or another.  Richard Prestons Chudnovsky brothers  are obsessed with the number pi and finding the pattern in randomness; Calvin Trillins Edna Buchanan is an obsessive crime reporter in Miami who visits the scenes of disaster four, five times a day; . . . Mark Singers Ricky Jay is obsessed with magic and the history of magic. In every great Profile, too, the writer is equally obsessed. Its often the case that a writer will t ake months, even years, to get to know a subject and bring him or her to life in prose.(David Remnick, Life Stories: Profiles From The New Yorker. Random House, 2000) The Parts of a Profile One major reason writers create profiles is to let others know more about the people who are important to them or who shape the world in which we live. . . . [T]he introduction  to a profile needs to show readers that the subject is someone they need to know more aboutright now. . . . Writers also use the introduction of a profile to highlight some key feature of the subjects personality, character, or values . . ..The body of a profile . . . includes descriptive details that help readers visualize the subjects actions and hear the subjects words. . . .Writers also use the body of a profile to provide logical appeals in the form of numerous examples that show that the subject is indeed making a difference in the community. . . .Finally, the conclusion of a profile often contains one final quote or anecdote that nicely captures the essence of the individual.(Cheryl Glenn,  The Harbrace Guide to Writing, concise 2nd ed. Wadsworth, Cengage, 201) Expanding the Metaphor In the classic Profile under [St. Clair] McKelway, the edges were smoothed out, and all effectsthe comic, the startling, the interesting, and occasionally, the poignantwere achieved by the choreography, in characteristically longer and longer (but never rambling) paragraphs filled with declarative sentences, of the extraordinary number of facts the writer had collected. The Profile metaphor, with its implicit acknowledgment of limited perspective, was no longer appropriate. Instead, it was as if the writer were continually circling around the subject, taking snapshots all the way, until finally emerging with a three-dimensional hologram.(Ben Yagoda, The New Yorker and the World It Made. Scribner, 2000)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

System Modelling Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

System Modelling - Assignment Example The represented logical structures abstract the inputs, outputs and data flows in the system. In other words the process and representations in the system are models. Keywords: Web-based, management, JavaScript, Remote, Information Technology Sequence Diagram to add a book into the library database: Collaboration Diagram to add a new book to the library Alternative solutions In library management, the software application solutions available are numerous. For instance, one can build a virtual library, use the manual system, use a cloud application for the library management etc. Another additional option is to purchase an information system off the shelf. This means that it is not a tailor made solution; therefore it may pose incompatibility problems. All these systems require careful evaluation and assessment, in order to come up with the most cost effective option that also caters for the organisational needs (Lesley, 2006). The process of system analysis and design should cover th e business, or operational aspect of the organisation. This is in order to guarantee that the system makes â€Å"business sense†. The definition for business sense is a system that balances the organisational needs and the user requirements. This ensures that the end solution does not implement the business requirements and leave the user functionality (Hickie, Greasley & Bocij, 2008). Proposed system description Based on the requirements of the organisation, the system desired should introduce the concepts of automatic record keeping and digitize the library processes. The system will provide the functionality to add new books, update book details and manage non-book items. In addition, the system shall display referral links to electronic book sites and also provide purchase links. Further, the system proposed will also act as an information collaboration platform. This will coordinate the communication between the staff/management and the library members (Boehm, & Petty 19 99). Alternative solution one: Virtual Library The virtual library solution provides a fully functional system that manages issuing, sale and reading of electronic books. It can be accessed via the internet by users. However, the users need to register with the library for accounts and also pay a small subscription fee. The virtual library has the advantage of cost. It is cheap to implement it as a solution and it has minimal infrastructural needs. Berndt (2002) explains that the main disadvantage of the virtual library is that it cannot hold any physical objects given that it runs on the system. The Swansea Docklands society needs a physical access and the online system is intended to bring efficiency and convenience. To publicise their library internet marketing may work, but the virtual library will not be the desired product. Alternative solution two: Cloud Application Boehm, & Petty (1999) points that cloud computing is among the most recent technology developments in the IT wo rld that has revolutionised communication, data storage and. This technology squarely fits the needs of a museum and library management system. End users are able to access cloud based library manageme

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A study of communication strategies employed by Chinese EFL learners Literature review

A study of communication strategies employed by Chinese EFL learners in oral contexts - Literature review Example ?....14 2.4 Communication Problems of Chinese EFL Learners†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 References†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦17 1. Introduction For communication to take place, a message needs to be transferred from the sender to the receiver. But sometimes the communication process may break down when the intended message fails to be sent to the receiver. In those situations, the speaker will try to solve the problem and re-establish the conversation by adopting certain techniques. These techniques are commonly known as â€Å"communication strategies† (CSs). It was a term firstly coined by Selinker (1972) in his paper on â€Å"Interlanguage†. Selinker considered these strategies as one of the five processes central to second language learning. All language us ers need communication strategies to help them convey their intended meaning. ... The time constraints of naturally-occurring conversations impose an extremely heavy burden on these learners, forcing them to retrieve appropriate TL items from their memory and respond quickly. As claimed by Wagner and Firth (1997), â€Å"CS is a very prominent element in speech production and therefore an important element in natural discourse† (p. 342). 1.1 Definitions In the past three decades, a great amount of scholarly research and discussion has been generated on the nature, taxonomies and use of CSs (Dornyei and Scott, 1997). For so many years, however, the definition of CSs has still remained controversial. Although Selinker was the first to put forward the term â€Å"communication strategy†, he did not dig deep into the nature of such strategies. The first ones to provide a definition of CS were Tarone and her associates (1976), who defined it as â€Å"a systematic attempt by the learner to express or decode meaning in the target language, in situations wher e the appropriate systematic target language rules have not been formed† (p. 78). Moreover, Tarone (1980) emphasized that â€Å"CS relate to a mutual attempt of interlocutors to agree on a meaning in situations where requisite meaning structures do not seem to be shared† (p. 420). This definition introduces an interactional perspective. In Tarone’s words, â€Å"communication strategies are seen as tools used in a joint negotiation of meaning where both interlocutors are attempting to agree as to a communicative goal† (p. 420). Simply put, it means that both parties in the communication process try to compromise on meaning by adjusting their perspectives to see just one meaning both of them understand, and this may include some repair mechanisms in the breakdown of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Philosophy as Metaphysics Essay Example for Free

Philosophy as Metaphysics Essay ABSTRACT: Philosophy works with special types of objects: the totalities. The basic characteristics of this type of object are their metaphysical, transcendental, and total character. The character of these objects determines the specificity of language and the methods of philosophy. The language of philosophy represents symbolic language; speculation is the basic method of philosophy. On the one hand, objects of this type emphasis homo sapien as essences capable of constructing such objects, which in turn assumes the ability of human consciousness to make synthetic acts. On the basis of philosophy as metaphysics, an original approach is offered which divides the history of philosophy into periods as well as providing analysis of different philosophical systems. Feature of philosophical activity, as against a science, is the work with special, not physical objects — the totalities, which are constituted by the philosopher. One of such objects is the world, and, in this sense, we often say, that philosophy is a wel-tanschauung (world-outlook) . Certainly, the world as some set of things can be studied by physics (sciences in a broad sense), but in this case a researcher can miss the point that the world is a totality, not just a simple set of things. As distinct from scientific study the philosophy takes its objects as the totalities, which the subject of knowledge cannot study as ordinary objects, because the including the learning subject character of these the totalities excludes any standard scientific approach to knowledge in principle. Others examples of the above mentioned objects (the totalities) are Ego and God. Objects of this type (with some reservations) are a lot of human being phenomena, such as love, virtue, conscience, courage, bravery, understanding and so on. All these objects are those, that the precise fixing of objective criteria of their existence is impossible, it is impossible to create the high-grade theory of these phenomena (for example, theory of love or bravery), as they assume not only objective Contemplator (as it occurs in case of objects of scientific knowledge), but also postulate the Actor inside them, that causes essentially twinkling way of them being. (2) Exactly the character of these objects determined essential features of the philosophizing as metaphysical activity. The underlining of metaphysical character of philosophy objects dictates the special procedures of work with them, distinct from of methods of scientific knowledge. Metaphysical objects — constructs cannot be given in frameworks of physical experience; the study — constructing of these objects occurs by a way of thinking means, procedures of speculation. That is why the one of the most typical mistakes in the researching of these objects is procedures of naturalization metaphysical objects, i. e. consideration of natural (physical) analogs of these objects. For example, instead of work with the world (the world as totality) we consider the world as some sets of physical, chemical, biological etc. objects, and instead of the analysis of phenomenon of consciousness proper as metaphysical object the natural analog of consciousness — brain or mentality of the particular human being, we examine. Specifying the status of these objects, it is possible to tell, that the subject of the philosophy activity are metaphysical-transcendental objects, i. e. objects having the boundary status of their existence. The boundary character of these objects allows to specify Kantian distinction sensible phenomena and transcendent things in itself. Moreover, metaphysical-transcendental objects are located on border of other known distinctions of classical philosophy. (3) They are, for example, not subjective and not objective, not conscious and not material. It is interesting in this respect appearance of the first proper philosophical category of being, which, in fact, was entered Parmenid`s as boundary metaphysical-transcendental object being-thinking (in this case, alongside with Parmenid`s postulating his first thesis, entering a category of being, presence of the second his thesis, establishing the coincidence of an entered category of being with another category — the category of thinking). In some sense, metaphysical-transcendental objects are Husserl`s phenomenal, from which as a result of procedures of objectivizing and (or) subjectivizing the subjects and objects can be received, i. e. is entered subjective-objective distinction of New time. On the other hand, the boundary character of these objects allows still to work with them ( I specially avoid the term to learn, as far as these procedures are applied only for work with usual objects). Above this mode of working with them was named as speculation, which, as a result, the construction of these objects to occur by a way of thinking means. The creation such thinking construct is caused by that the person aspires to understand mode of functioning of the totalities, which surround him. And just this phenomenon of surprise before presence of such totalities is a beginning and basic nerve of philosophy. In this sense, philosophizing is possible only as an act of work of the beings, capable to postulate these totalities, due to synthetic acts (Kant), as being, perceiving the environmental world not in itself, but by means of symbolical function (Cassirer), through a prism of the transformed forms (Marx, Mamardaschvili). Another important characteristic of metaphysical objects is their total-making nature. It means, that the purpose of designing such objects is the attempt of understanding of some phenomenon of totality (for example, the world as whole, totality) in light of a question how (why) this phenomenon is possible?. The answer to this question assumes revealing mechanism of existence of this phenomenon. That is why it is important for the philosopher not to know some common aspect, that is allowed at a level of the primary, superficial description of it and other similar objects, but to know general (total) principle of functioning of objects of this type. For example, if a row of the plane polygons is given to us, a triangle(4) will act as general principle of this variety, because all others plane polygons can be given with the help of a triangle. Thus, philosophical constructs act as transcendental condition of seeing of other physical objects. That the phenomenon of seeing of a house was possible as some totality, it is necessary to postulate a row of transcendental conditions of this phenomenon, among them we can allocate necessity being of the house (Parmenid), recognition (and taking shape) this being by means of idea of home (Plato), fixing the house as an object of perception by some subject (Decartes) within spatial-temporary a priory forms of sensuality (Kant). On the other hand, a row of such philosophical constructs define a horizon, a way of seeing of subjects (Wittgenstein), associated with a certain epoch. For example, the mentioned above transcendental conditions of a phenomenon of seeing of a house define a way of seeing of subjects within the framework of classical philosophy. In this sense these constructs act as total-necessary cultural machines, that set the cultural way of living activity of the person and made imperceptible but essential background of his existence. For example, when a modern man looks at star sky, he sees not simply separate stars, but constellations — and it is impossible to explain to a person from other culture (and the more so, being, which is not having ability to the synthetic acts). Moreover, developing this example with constructing of constellations, it is possible to tell, that exactly it has made possible occurrence of such activity as an astrology. The above mentioned metaphysical character of philosophy objects causes the specification of the language and methods philosophizing. The language of philosophy has not signal, but symbolical character. Lets stop on it hardly more in detail. Already science differs from the common sense description, because it uses some abstraction, ideal elements, which, in a common case, it is impossible to compare any certain objects of the physical validity. For example, as D. Gilbert says, in mathematics, those are language fictions, and one of the main problems of a substantiation of mathematics is either an exception these fictions, or imposing some certain restrictions — all that prevent the appearance of negative consequences, while using language fictions. Any language works with signs, besides that, any theory deals with mentioned language fictions (=  «symbols »), i. e. such kinds of signs, with which nothing corresponds in sensible reality. For example, in physics has concepts a material point, an absolutely black body, etc. They are often called as abstract — ideal objects, which turn out by a way of abstraction (idealization) from any properties of real physical objects. But in physics there are and more fictitious objects: cwarcks, for example, which not only is evident not imagine, but also until last time have acted only as theoretical constructs essentially of unobservable nature. In this case we can postulate a metaphysical mode of existence for these objects. It is important to emphasize, that these metaphysical objects do not exist in the same sense, as it is for the particular objects of a physical reality, such as table, chair,etc. The majority of the philosophy terms, its categorical apparatus have such symbolical character. It is impossible to give any referents of philosophical categories inside a physical reality. We can take as an example of such philosophical categories as being, consciousness etc. , for which we can somehow find certain physical analogues (for example, for a philosophical category  «being  » such analogue is the category  «substance » or matter). But there are more humanitarian objects connected with some features of a human being way, for which in general there are no analogues in a nature. These are, for example, concepts virtue, conscience, love, debt, bravery This specification of the philosophy language, which symbols indicate an existence of a special metaphysical dimension of a reality could be expressed by Kantian exclamation Excuse me, but it is not, what I speak about (mean)! in reply to German poet Schiller`s misunderstanding his categorical imperative. The metaphysical character of the categorical philosophical apparatus predetermines also specification of philosophical reasoning. The postulated non-sense character of perception of objects of the filosophizing assumes the special procedures of work, which were above characterized as a procedure of speculation. The main difficulty thus — is absence of a support on sensible analogy, which often helps us in daily life. The structure a reasoning about pure being (or conscience) is principle different from the reasoning about a tree, or a sex, or other objects of the physical world. Danger, which here waits us — influence of our vital experience, influence sensible hooks, which can destroy the ability for the reflex and philosophical analysis. To explain the idea about involuntary influence ours sensible apparatus, M. Mamardaschvili in the lectures about M. Proust, used as an example biblical commandment when they beat you on the one cheek — put another one as a vivid example of inhibition (Husserl`s  «phenomenological reduction ») of a standard human reaction (reflex), imposed to us by sense-figurative thinking (if somebody hearts you — reply with the same). Moreover, it is possible, that some other logic operates in area of speculative objects, distinct from usual, earthly logic. In particular, according to opinion of the Russian philosopher and the logic N. A. Vasiljev, validity of the logic law of excluded third, has purely earthly an origin and it is connected with primacy, after Aristotle, of individual existing things. (5) If we, following Plato, consider classes of subjects as primary (for instance, subject a class of tables), the law of excluded third will be incorrect, as the table as one of set of subjects of a class of tables can be simultaneously both white and non-white (in instance, green). Of course, here it is necessary to realize, that the opposite properties are attributed to the different individuals of primary subject — different things of the same class). The transfer of the point of view from single objects to classes of objects has allowed N. Vasiljev to formulate imagined logic with the law of excluded fourth. This logic in anything does not concede on its parameters to our habitual logic with the law of excluded third, but expands opportunities of our thinking. Within the framework of this logic the paradoxical coincidence between maximum and minimum, revealed Nikolaj from Kuza, does not cause surprise. The only acceptable procedure for understanding of philosophical categories within of some philosophical framework is the correlation of the different speculative (metaphysics) objects with the help of a method language game.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Emptiness in The Hollow Men Essay -- Hollow Men Essays

Emptiness in The Hollow Men  Ã‚     Ã‚   After Eliot had published The Waste Land, he felt as though he had not been able to fully convey the sense of desperation and emptiness in that work. Beginning with "Doris’s Dream Songs" and "Eyes I Last Saw in Tears," he explored these themes, eventually uniting all such poems in The Hollow Men. The end product is a work that, unlike The Waste Land and its ultimate chance for redemption, has only the indelible emptiness of the hollow men as its conclusion. The hollow men are those who, in life, did not act on their beliefs; they resisted any action at all, and as a result stagnate eternally in "the Shadow," a land in between heaven and hell, completely isolated from both. Eliot’s allusions give a familiar literary and popular basis to the setting, while the symbols and lyrical progression convey the futility and spiritual "brokenness" of the men. The poem’s initial epigraph, "Mistah Kurtz-- He dead" is the first of many allusions to Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness. Eliot uses the references to draw the reader’s attention to the moral situation of Kurtz and the others "who have crossed/ With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom." These men and Kurtz defined themselves through their actions, whether or not they were good. In Baudelaire’s words, "So far as we are human, what we do must be either evil or good; so far as we do evil or good, we are human; and it is better, in a paradoxical way, to do evil than to do nothing: at least, we exist" (Drew 94). An accurate description of the condition of the hollow men, this quote has also been used in criticism of Heart of Darkness. Thus the (spiritual) stagnation of the "tumid river" and those who wait beside it is contrasted with the dynamici... ...ubmission to a world that ends "not with a bang but a whimper."    Works Cited Brady, Ann Patrick. Lyricism in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot. London: Kennikat Press, 1978. Drew, Elizabeth. T.S. Eliot: The Design of His Poetry. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949. Headings, Philip R.. T.S. Eliot, Revised Edition. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1982. Moody, A. David. The Cambridge Companion to T.S. Eliot. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 1994. Moody, A. David. T.S. Eliot, Poet. Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press, 1994. Raine, Craig. "The Awful Daring of T.S. Eliot". The Guardian. 21. August 19, 1988. Roessel, David. "Guy Fawkes Day and the Versailles Peace in ‘The Hollow Men’". English Language Notes, Sept. 1990. 52-58. Vol. 28. Williamson, George. A Reader’s Guide to T.S. Eliot. New York: Octagon Books, 1974.      

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Complicated Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis Health And Social Care Essay

A 76 twelvemonth old lady with a recent diagnosing of arthritic mitral valve disease and a history of repeated lower respiratory tract infections, came with symptoms of gastritis unrelated to the primary disease but farther workup in the infirmary revealed atrial fibrillation, grossly dilated left atrium with two big left atrial thrombi and mitral valve country & A ; lt ; 1 cm2. Mitral commissural calcification and important pneumonic high blood pressure were besides noted. After legion treatments it was decided that the best possible attack in our patient was mitral valve replacing with mechanical prosthetic device, despite the usual tendency of utilizing bioprosthesis in aged. The determination was influenced by the fact that patient would necessitate chronic anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation anyhow. The intent of our instance presentation is to exemplify an remarkably late showing instance of arthritic bosom disease with assorted associated complications ensuing in a challen ge to take the best possible direction. Our patient, an aged lady with late diagnosed arthritic mitral valve disease presented with legion challenges in seeking to make up one's mind the best possible intervention: old age, atrial fibrillation necessitating long-run anticoagulation, left atrial thrombi, mitral valve calcification and grossly dilated left atrium. By showing this instance we aim to supply a logical attack in make up one's minding the intervention for similar instances with an accent on old age and long-run endurance benefit. We besides aim to foreground how the intervention should be individualized, taking into consideration all the factors in a peculiar patient. A 76 year old female, occupant of Mumbai, and a homemaker came to the casualty of Sir JJ Hospital with ailments of 5-6 episodes of purging since forenoon that twenty-four hours. The puke was non-bilious and contained nutrient atoms. Past history was positive for perennial admittances for lower respiratory tract infection and a history of arthritic bosom disease with mitral stricture diagnosed 3 old ages back. The patient did non retrieve holding any symptoms suggestive of arthritic febrility in her childhood. On scrutiny, she had irregularly irregular pulsation at the rate of 108/minute, blood force per unit area of 100/70 millimeter of Hg, normal jugular venous force per unit area and a pale visual aspect. Chest scrutiny revealed apical urge on the left 5th intercostal infinite and a tangible parasternal haeve and diastolic daze. Auscultation of the thorax revealed first bosom sound ( S1 ) of variable strength, loud P2 and a systolic mutter in the tricuspid country which increased on inspiration. Electrocardiogram showed right package subdivision block and atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate. Chest X ray showed enormously dilated left atrium and right atrium and ventricle. Computed imaging of the thorax revealed a massively dilated left atrium ( 11 x 10 centimeter ) , right atrium ( 9.5 x 8 centimeter ) and right ventricle with reflux of blood seen in inferior vein cava and hepatic venas. Mitral valve showed calcification. It besides revealed two make fulling defects/thrombi, one attached to the anterior wall of left atrium of size 6.5 ten 3.7 centimeter and 2nd attached to the posterior wall of size 3.2 ten 2.1 centimeter. Consequences of 2D echocardiography included: thickener of mitral valve, mitral valve commissural calcification with a valve country of 0.9 cm2 on planimetry, an echo mark of 8/16 and grounds of thrombi in left atrium- one superiorly 4.6 centimeters x 3.7 centimeters and other attached to the sidelong wall 3.1 centimeter x 2.1 centimeter. M-mod e echocardiography showed decreased left ventricular internal dimensions at diastole and systole, decreased terminal systolic and diastolic volumes, a normal expulsion fraction ( 60.2 % ) and the left atrial dimension of 8.6 centimeters x 7.8 centimeter. Colour Doppler showed a mitral valve country of 0.9 cm2, estimated pneumonic arteria systolic force per unit area of 70mm of Hg ( normal: 15-30mm of Hg ) and grade 1 mitral regurgitation. She was diagnosed as a instance of gastritis in a known instance of arthritic bosom disease and mitral stricture complicated by pneumonic high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation and left atrial thrombi. The gastritis seemed to be unrelated to the implicit in arthritic bosom disease, but the workup drew attending to the primary job of terrible mitral stricture. The patient later underwent mitral valve replacing with mechanical prosthetic device. She was besides started on anticoagulation with Coumadin with a mark INR scope of 2.0 to 3.0. Patient showed good recovery in the immediate post-operative period and regular follow up for a month later, showed a good response to the surgery and better ventricular rate control with drugs. There was a gradual autumn in pneumonic arteria systolic force per unit area following surgery. Arthritic bosom disease has been the cause of important morbidity and mortality in the development states. Bing an autoimmune upset, it has been known to preponderantly impact younger persons following a throat infection with group A streptococcus. Mitral stricture, associated with arthritic bosom disease, can stay symptomless and present every bit tardily as in-between age or beyond. In such instances, the patient may non ever retrieve about an onslaught of arthritic febrility in childhood, giving the feeling of late onset arthritic bosom disease. We report a instance of an aged adult female who was late diagnosed with arthritic bosom disease and mitral stricture. Though it is hard to notice when the disease really started in our patient, we believe that the bosom disease had been benign until its presentation at an age good beyond the usual age of presentation in arthritic bosom disease. By this instance study we besides try to discourse the possible attacks to an aged patient with critical mitral valve disease with important calcification. Though antecedently symptomless, the demand for intercession in our instance was reiterated by the presence of grossly dilated bosom and important pneumonic high blood pressure. In critical mitral stricture that requires surgery, normally valvular fix is given the first consideration. The challenges in the direction of our patient were: old age, significantly enlarged left atrium, presence of left atrial thrombi, mitral valve country & A ; lt ; 1cm2, mitral valve calcification and pneumonic high blood pressure. Significant calcification of commissures and valve cusp inspissating with decreased cusp country are contraindications to mitral valve fix [ 1 ] . A survey conducted by Wei T and co-workers [ 2 ] concluded that patients with mitral commissural calcification with an echo mark of & A ; acirc ; & A ; deg ; Â ¤ 8/16 have small betterment in valve country after balloon mitral valvuloplasty, ensuing in a hapless result. Because of the commissural calcification and left atrial throm bi in our instance, it was decided to travel with mitral valve replacing. The presence of atrial fibrillation with left atrial thrombi raised the possibility of long-run anticoagulation. With grossly dilated left atrium and the chronicity of atrial fibrillation, cardioversion would hold been unsuccessful. Anticoagulation in aged must be used with cautiousness because of important hazard of haemorrhagic complications and the lowest effectual dosage should be used. [ 3 ] Proper monitoring of the dosage and INR is necessary as the effectual dosage for anticoagulation in aged is frequently lower than in the younger topics. Another inquiry was the pick of prosthetic device: mechanical or biological. In patients & A ; gt ; 70yrs of age, biological valves are preferred [ 4 ] . This is preponderantly because of lower life anticipation in these patients, non-requirement of anticoagulation with these type of valves and lower rates of bioprosthetic impairment in aged [ 4,5 ] . Sidhu P and co-workers [ 6 ] performed a comparing survey over the long term efficaciousness of mechanical and bioprosthesis over a period of 20 old ages in patients over the age of 70. The survey concluded that bioprosthesis does non supply any survival benefit over mechanical valves in aged. Mechanical prosthetic device has been known to be more lasting but this advantage is offset by anticoagulation-related mortality in patients non necessitating anticoagulation otherwise [ 4,6 ] . Since our patient already required long-run anticoagulation, anyhow, usage of mechanical prosthetic device became possible and suited. [ 7 ] Figure 5 illustrates an algorithm for taking the type of prosthetic valve in a patient. [ 8 ] From the instance study and the reappraisal of literature we can reason that: The presentation of mitral stricture may be delayed as the valve upset may follow a benign class compatible with normal life. It is non uncommon for mitral stricture to show every bit tardily as old age. Anticoagulation in aged with atrial fibrillation demands to be used with cautiousness. Proper hazard stratification and monitoring are required and the lowest possible dosage of anticoagulation demands to be used. Balloon mitral valvuloplasty may non be an effectual option in patients with important commissural calcification. The pick of prosthetic device should be determined on an single footing, sing the presence of co-morbidities and other conducive factors like demand for anticoagulation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Fundamentals of Nevada History

The year was 1864 and it was the beginning of May when an election would take place in June that would decide the second constitutional convention.This convention unlike the one in 1863; this one would establish the Nevada Enabling Act, but would have restrictions that the constitution written would have to follow under the following guidelines: (1) The new State Constitution must be republican in nature and not repugnant to the Federal Constitution or the Declaration of Independence; 2) there shall be no slavery or involuntary servitude other than for punishment of crimes, without the consent of the United States and the people of Nevada; (3) the Constitutional Convention must disclaim all rights to inappropriate lands in Nevada; (4) land owned by U.S. Citizens outside Nevada must not be discriminated against in taxation; and (5) there must be no taxation of federal property in the state. (Michael W. Bowers 2005). This was a time that Nevada was not statehood and Lincoln needed more electoral votes for the passage of his Thirteenth Amendment which would abolish slavery. Another reason was so that Lincoln could use Novena's vote to win the 1864 presidential election.The final reason was the dividing of the electoral votes were to even; Lincoln felt if it came down to this it would be left in the House of Representatives hands and he may lose, but by making Nevada a statehood he would be able to win over Nevada giving him another statehood vote and more of a republican power in the House. Civil Rights in Nevada History Although in 1864 the Thirteenth Amendment was passed there was still racism, aggregation, and discrimination in Nevada which has been called later as the â€Å"Mississippi of the West†.Although voting rights had been established; Nevada citizens that were white felt that they were an inferior race and that other races of color should not have the same privileges or their white Anglo-Saxon brothers and sisters. African Americans were not abl e to testify against any white individual in a court of law due to them being presumed â€Å"untrustworthy'. Another issue was that they were not able to work in the state of Nevada as whites had the privileges of doing so. During the building of the Hoover Dam blacks were not eligible for hire and were not able to gamble or stay at the Hotels on the strip if they worked there.Entertainers like Leona Horns and Sammy Davis Jar. Could not stay there after they performed there, and they would have to go to the Million Rouge if they wanted that type of entertainment which was where blacks had to go in order to have the same type of entertainment. Once the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964 all of this had to come to an end and Nevada was then forced to follow suit. Mining and Gamin History of Nevada In 1863 there were also arguments about the mining and gaming industry taxation against agriculture.Cow herders and farmers felt that the taxation for the mining industry should be more se eing it was outside owners of these companies from San Francisco and other states that would come to Nevada and capitalize off of the land. They were being taxed the same but profit was much larger. Some would go on to even say that Nevada was the state that built San Francisco. The mining companies stands was that without their business all of the stores would be removed, farms old be dried up and streets would turn elsewhere.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How Insects Provide Evidence That a Murder Victim Was Moved

How Insects Provide Evidence That a Murder Victim Was Moved In some suspicious death investigations, arthropod evidence may prove that the body was moved at some point after death. Crime scene insects can tell whether the body decomposed at the location where it was found, and even reveal gaps in the crime time line. When Insects at the Crime Scene Dont Belong There The entomologist first identifies all the collected arthropod evidence, cataloging the species present on or near the body. Not every insect belongs in every habitat. Some live in quite specific niches – on limited vegetation types, at certain elevations, or in particular climates. What if the body yields an insect that is not known to live in the area where it was found? Wouldnt that suggest the body had been moved? In his book A Fly for the Prosecution, forensic entomologist M. Lee Goff tells of one such case. He collected evidence from a womans body found in an Oahu sugar cane field. He noted that some of the maggots present were a species of fly found in urban areas, not in agricultural fields. He hypothesized that the body had remained in an urban location long enough for the flies to find it, and that it was later moved to the field. Sure enough, when the murder was solved, his theory proved correct. The killers kept the victims body in an apartment for several days while trying to decide what to do with it. When Insects at the Crime Scene Dont Fit the Timeline Sometimes insect evidence reveals a gap in the time line, and leads investigators to the conclusion that the body was moved. The primary focus of forensic entomology is the establishment of the postmortem interval, using insect life cycles. A good forensic entomologist will give detectives an estimate, to the day or even the hour, of when the body was first colonized by insects. Investigators compare this estimate with witness accounts of when the victim was last seen alive. Where was the victim between when he was last seen and when insects first invaded his corpse? Was he alive, or was the body hidden somewhere? Again, Dr. Goffs book provides a good example of a case where insect evidence established such a time gap. A body found on April 18th yielded only first instar maggots, some still emerging from their eggs. Based on his knowledge of this insects life cycle in the environmental conditions present at the crime scene, Dr. Goff concluded that the body had only been exposed to insects since the previous day, the 17th. According to witnesses, the victim was last seen alive two days prior, on the 15th. It seemed that the body must have been somewhere else, protected from exposure to any insects, in the interim. In the end, the murderer was caught and revealed he had killed the victim on the 15th, but kept the body in the trunk of a car until dumping it on the 17th. How Insects in the Soil Help Solve a Murder A dead body lying on the ground will release all its fluids into the soil below. As a result of this seepage, the soil chemistry changes substantially. Native soil organisms leave the area as the pH rises. A whole new community of arthropods inhabit this gruesome niche. A forensic entomologist will sample the soil below and near where the body was lying. The organisms found in the soil samples can determine whether the body decomposed at the location where it was found, or prior to being dumped there.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SPS 002 Using the One Thing Time Blocking to Finally Write Your First Book with Jay Papasan

SPS 002 Using the One Thing Time Blocking to Finally Write Your First Book with Jay Papasan SPS 002: Using the One Thing Time Blocking to Finally Write Your First Book with Jay Papasan 1 SharesToday, I am joined by Jay Papasan, Vice President of Publishing at Keller Williams Realty, Inc. in Austin, Texas. This is a real estate franchise company with over 74,000 real estate agents operating across the US and Canada.Jay has co-authored multiple bestsellers including The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, The Millionaire Real Estate Investor, and The ONE Thing. Before co-authoring the bestselling real estate series with Gary Keller, Jay was an editor at HarperCollins where he worked on bestselling books such as Body For Life by Bill Phillips and Go For the Goal by Mia Hamm.The ONE Thing is one of my top 5 books of all time. I have a lot of favorite books, but this one I constantly go back to and highly recommend. In fact, our entire company will be reading this book next month as required reading. Today, we will be talking about a lot of the principles from the book and how they apply to writing.For all this and much more, listen in to this episode of the Self-Publishing School podcast!You can find Jay here:JayPapasan.comJay Papasan on LinkedInJay Papasan on Facebook@jaypapasan on TwitterShow Notes[01:53] How The ONE Thing has had the most impact on Jays life and how it is impactful for others.[03:45] How Jay ended up working on his first book at Keller Williams by running into Gary Keller in the bathroom.[05:04] Jay had actually worked on two of the books that Gary wanted to model for the real estate series.[06:46] The process for outlining the first book and how Jay wrote the chapters.[08:20] The toughest parts of writing the first book was keeping disciplined, because the novelty of writing wore off fast. Jay wrote discipline is freedom on the wall to help stay focused.[10:11] How to feel confident and overcome imposter syndrome by powering through until things shifted.[11:07] The biggest mistake made with the first book was self-publishing with an awful cover. They went cheap instead of taking the time to perfect the cover.[13:44] The writing pr ocess of creating an outline and then handing it off to researchers for additional quotes, stories etc. so they wouldnt have to go down the research rabbit hole before writing.[16:26] Coming up with visuals before writing the chapter. Having a visual ready to go will help drive and organize the writing. Lists, graphics, underlines, etc.[18:10] Time blocking every day to make sure they are writing every day. The most productive people make appointments with themselves.[19:29] Creating habits by writing an intention statement that states, when and where you will do something, makes it three times more likely to get done.[22:02] How to strengthen the discipline muscle to make time blocking a priority to get things done. Write first thing in the morning.[29:08] Setting a time limit so that non-writing activities dont bleed into early day writing time. Use a timer to put an artificial limit on these activities.[31:21] Batching email and checking it only 3 times a day using a time limit a nd blocking off 18 to 20 days a month for writing. If a writing day is canceled, be sure to replace it.[35:56] Building a bunker. Finding a place to be productive and away from distractions. Store provisions, meaning have what you need on hand and sweep for mines or turn your phone and distractions off. Enlist support by explaining why you shouldnt be disturbed.[41:52] Multitasking and switching have costs. The interruptions prevent us from going deep and staying on task. 28% of work time can be lost to reorientation time.[46:23] How being distracted from a primary task can even prevent us from going back to the primary task.[47:29] What the 4 thieves of productivity are. Inability to say no. Fear of chaos. Poor health habits. The environment does not support your goals.[56:28] Advice for writing the first book. Do it for yourself and commit a certain amount of time to writing. Make it a ritual and form the writing habit.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Raising the ante Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Raising the ante - Essay Example If as one other board member said, the price of Phyllis' proposal will damage the company's profit picture, this eventuality would not only hurt the company but all its employees as well. Businesses should consider all stakeholders' interests if this may be affected by a business practice. Stakeholders include owners, employees, customers, suppliers and other groups affected by the business. I do not think Phyllis Warren was unfair in taking advantage of the board's implied admission of salary discrimination on the basis of sex. She saw the opportunity present itself for her and other women employees to earn more than what they were currently receiving. Usually, employees will not have an exact profit picture about the companies they work for. If the company could well afford back pay to correct the discrimination practiced in the past, then Phyllis had the right to at least bring this to the board's attention. However, it is another issue if the board's decision should be for or against Phyllis proposal. The entire matter of accountability of the company for a previous board's policies and actions may have to be decided in a legal forum. Corporations and other institutions are increasingly being held accountable for their decisions, actions, behaviors and performance by a wide range of external and internal stakeholders - employees, customers, stockholders, media, gove rnment officials, capital markets, civic leadership, the judicial system, advocates and activists (G&A, 2007). 4. Do you think Phyllis was wrong in giving the board the impression that her proposal enjoyed broad support Why I think there are two answers to this question. From the point of view of persuasive communication, I do not think Phyllis was wrong in giving the board the impression that her proposal enjoyed broad support. Phyllis had gone to the board with an objective that she of course wanted to accomplish and giving the impression of broad support for her proposal was merely a tool she used in order to persuade the board to agree with it. An impression is a feeling retained as a consequence of experience (AHD, 2000). It may not be reality. However, from the point of view of sincerity both to the board and Phyllis' fellow women employees, I think Phyllis was wrong in creating the impression mentioned above, especially since she hinted that her group was prepared to pursue legal action. Considering that Phyllis actually did not have broad support for