Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Scoliosis essays

Scoliosis essays Scoliosis is a other way to say crooked and is often referred as an s-shaped side or curve in the spine. Everybody has heard of Scoliosis at one time becuase of school or you know someone how has it. My cousin Jackie Walling had it. There are realativly fours types of scoliosis. Congenital present at birth, Scoliosis due to nueromuscular caused by polio, Idiopathic occurs in adolescence and is mostly mild, Postural caused by postural. My cousin had Idiopathic scoliosis when she was nine. The most common type of scoliosis is idiopathic (meaning unknow). The spinal column twists and rotates creating an uneven shoulder and rib hump. This can lead to discomfort and even breathing problems as the heart and lungs become compressed. The cause of scoliosis is not yet and is to believed to happen in girls more then boys. Scoliosis is not preventable but early detection can increase the chance of a successful treatment. Ways to detect scoliosis are very easy , just look for uneven shoulders, prominet shoulder blades, uneven waist, and hips, leaning towards one side. My cousin had gotten a bug bite on her back and when she bent over her parents noticed the she was leaning sideways. There is also a simple test involving touching your toes which will also show a rasied hump on your back. Scoliosis is a multi-faceted diease, affecting the body in many areas. In the infantile stages, a very mild rotation occurs and is often over looked by doctors. As the condition progresses, symptoms of shoulder unleveling, waitline discrepansices. Treatment should begin right away other wise it will lead to more painful adult scoliosis. The most popular way is to ware a brase on your back to help the back fix itself, my cousin did not ware the brace. Massage therapy does not really help the condition of scoliosis but does relieves muscular pain on a symptomatic basis. The most popular way as of right now for help is surgery, which...

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