Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Future of Online Advertising essays

The Future of Online Advertising essays The growth and revenue that comes from online advertising will never change, but the ways and strategic process will. Along side the fact that visibility, portability, and impact of the message being portrayed will advance but the measure of Internet advertising will be dramatically be different. The commercial domain is by far the largest and fastest growing on the World WideWeb. It appears thatbusinesses are increasingly taking part in the new marketing forum available on the Internet. Yet, many companies that are growing disillusioned with thecommercial possibilities of online advertising, some have suggested that theInternet is better suited for advertising and commercial sitesrather than personal sites. Executives are questioning whether 'the potential of future Internet advertising is a risk to take due to the growing competition. Agencies areconsidering decreasing or removing their investment in online advertising but are considering the loss of consumers (Schumann 41). For bu sinesses, advertising on the Internet offers potential benefits that are not available through traditional advertising media. This new medium has caught the attention of advertising and marketing experts in several fields. The online advertising that will have the most dramatic changes in the future will be paid search, video advertising, and display advertising. As the search engine marketing continued to grow, the fast pace of paid search and its cost resulted in marketers having to think more about strategic application of search into a marketing plan. There are 3 types of paid search, Paid For Placement (PFP), allowing advertisers to bid for position and obtain a position at the top of major search portal listings by paying a penny more than their competitors regardless of the quality of their sites content for the search engine spiders. The future in the PFP will have affect on the quality of the top websites and the staring...

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